Saturday, November 13, 2010

Have You Missed My Blog?

It's been awhile since my last entry as Jim and I flew from Atlanta, GA to Seattle, WA on October 28.  We were gone from the BAM for 13 days.  We had fun watching the grandkids go trick or treating in their Halloween costumes, celebrating Ian's 7th birthday, my ...__... birthday, and watching Jim's daughter, Sarah, marry a wonderful, good looking guy, Justin.  They're currently in Hawaii on their honeymoon.   This is NOT them! 

The one on the left is my beautiful daughter-in-law on Halloween.  He He!

Raea (left), friends, and Ian on the right.  They were so excited.

Rebecca and her friends.

Raea and her buddies getting their soccer metals

Ian and his buddies getting their soccer metals at a pizza party.

 Sarah asked if I would take care of the wedding rehearsal dinner on Friday, Nov. 5 at the Winters House in Bellevue.  Justin's parents live in Montana and were unable to prepare the dinner.  Of course I agreed.  The dinner for 37 people was well received and appreciated.  I really enjoyed doing something special for Sarah and Justin.

Notice the upside bowl with lights and tool material inside with the flowers sitting on top.  It was a beautiful way to light up the table and display the beautiful roses.   

Aren't they a handsome couple?  After lunch, Sarah was kidnapped (by who I don't know) and in order to get her back to the mansion, all wedding attendance had to fill Justin's shoe with ransom money.  $300.00 was raised, Sarah was returned to the mansion, and the money was presented to the happy couple.

Bubbles were everywhere!

The photographer took hundreds of  photos of the happy occasion and I think some of them will soon be posted on the Internet.

It was nice to go home to Washington to visit with the family, but just as nice to return to the warm, sunny weather in Georgia!

Stay tuned!

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