Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Day Off Work

Jim took the day off and we decided to take a 3 mile hike into Willow Creek Lake.  We drove several miles up a pumpy dirt road.  We could see a rather large lake on "Navagale" off the road to our left.  We finally found a trail, so we started off.  The trail petered out about 1 mile in, so we hiked over land and finally found this green pond.  Apparently the lake use to take up this entire meadow.  As we stood there looking at this beautiful meadow, we saw two gray wolf running up the opposite hillside.  They didn't want anything to do with us.   

Jim stops to capture lavender wild flowers.  Wish I new the name!

I had to stop and take a photo of this very large mushroom.  Notice the size of the pine cone next to it.  It was a photo-op.

I took this photo of Steamboat Lake from the highway.  There were skiers, sail boats, and party boats on the water, but of course I miss the opportunity to show the action. 
We also drove into Pearl Lake.  Notice the trees across the lake that were attacked by Japanese Bark Beatles.  Loggers can't keep up with the dead trees. 

I found this sign a little weird! 

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