Thursday, August 12, 2010


Gerry came across this poor little bird with a bad wing, too young to fly or feed itself.  Soft hearted Gerry became the surrogate mother, hand feeding the bird and rehabilitating this darling little creature, letting it heal.   I became the birds aunt!  I dubbed him "Hamburger" because that's all he ate for the first few days.  We began digging worms from the garden but because everything was so dry, we ended up buying worms.  When we run out of worms, we feed it chicken livers. 

Gerry keeps  Hamburger in the garage at night and in the back yard during the day trying to teach him to grub for bugs and worms.  He can now fly and spends time in the nearby trees, but continues to return to Gerry's deck chirping to get feed.  He is so sweet, but too dependant on humans for survival.  We all love Hamburger.  What is his destination?  How do you teach a bird to be independent?  I fell in love with Hamburger.  I'll keep you posted on his progress.

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