Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wow, What a Trip!!!!

We spent the night at Pyratuning Lake Resort in Pennsylvania on 9-29.  We spent an uneventful evening, resting and watching TV.  The next morning we just had to take this causeway across the middle of the huge Pyratuning Lake.  It reminded me of driving across Lake WA.

We drove through the Amish countryside while making our way through PA.  I took this photo of a Amish woman making a right turn into the driveway of her home (I imagine) in her horse and buggy.  We saw another buggy clopping along the road in this area.  Definitely a different way of life!

We finally entered New York State and started seeing grape vineyards.  I am now disappointed we didn't stop for some wine tasting, but we were on a tight schedule.  (Go figure!)  Honest, we didn't hit this sign post!  :o))

 We found a beautiful resort south of Buffalo, NY.   We were tired and ready to park it for the night.  However, God had other plans for us. 

The owner wasn't there to greet us, but his wife was. She told us to park in Space 52. So we meandered around the resort until we found our resting place. We drove off the road onto the grass and the MOHO sunk into the water-soak turf. The lady failed to advise us it had rained 2 1/2 inches the day before.   It's got to be SOMEbody's fault! 

We worked until nearly dary and we just couldn't get the BAM out of the hole.  All 4 tires were buried!  Our neighbors Ford 150 didn't quite help.  He was sure it would, but no,no.

The resort's tracker arrived at the scene, but it was lighter than the Ford.  Now what do we do? 

We parked crooked all night until a tow truck could get to the resort the next morning.

We finally got pulled out of the mud around 10 am the next morning.  We were so relieved, we were whooping and hollering, along with other fellow helpers.  You can see the ruts we left in the grass along with all the broken boards we use to use under the jacks.  If you're wondering what those two lumps in the grass are in front of the mud holes.....they are the wood planks we use to use to load the Subaru on the trailer.  Adiós....they both broke in half lengthwise and the spinning of the tires shoved the board under the sod.  I thought it was kinda funny, but then I didn't have to build new planks for the trailer.  :o(  The park manager felt bad about what happened so he said to leave everything and they would get the planks out from under the sod, fill the holes, and roll the grass.  I would hope so.  However, he still charged us for two nights stay!!  Scoundrel! 

By this time it was 11:30.  We had hoped to be on the road to Niagara Falls at 9 am that morning as the next day it was suppose to rain.  So we parked the BAM in the resort parking lot with the trailer (where it wouldn't sink) and drove to the falls, about 70 miles away. 

After our first mishap in the BAM, we started following this beer truck hoping the driver would stop at the upcoming rest area!!

It was a gorgeous day to see the falls.  We crossed this humongous bridge on our way. You think WA has a lot of water?  I'm confident New York has WA beat, now that I've been here.  

This is "Horseshoe Falls" looking from the Canadian side.

This is "American Falls" looking from Toronto, Canada.

Large ferries carry many people to the falls every 30 minutes or so.

Notice the old building behind the boat and the cliffs behind it.  The building was the old power plant.  The tall building you see in the background are all on the Canadian side. 

Getting wet as we near the falls on the ferry.

Check out the size of the ferry boat next to the falls.  It really puts the enormous falls in prospective!

We finally got that beer!

I was disappointed to see this tinsel town atmosphere in Canada.  It reminded me of Las Vegas.

We drove back over to the US side to see the falls from another prospective.  All those buildings are in Toronto, Canada.  I was proud that the US side is maintained by the park service with walkways and park benches, with relatively no touristy stuff to speak of.

The river right before the American Falls

This tree appeared along our walk to Horseshoe Falls on the American side.

Ahhhhh, the end to a perfect day!

We thoroughly enjoy our visit to the most sought-after tourist attraction in the USA!!!!

Today we are winding through the countryside of Vermont.  I cannot adequately describe the beauty and quaintness of the colorful trees and old, two-story, 18 century homes in the small towns we're passing through.  We've seen a couple of covered bridges too.  Just exactly like the pictures I've seen of Vermont in magazines  Tomorrow we are going to explore and find some Maple Syrup stands, covered bridges, and other Vermont attractions.

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