Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bragging About My Grandson

My daughter-in-law sent me this email about my 6 year-old grandson (soon to be 7) and I just had to share. Ian started BMX racing a couple of months ago and loves the competition of racing around dirt tracks, up and down the hills,and finishing in first place.

Ian had a great night of BMX racing tonight. He won his 8th race so now moves up a level to intermediate. As you can imagine, he was VERY excited and can't wait to give the faster riders a run for their money this weekend!!!! One mom of a 5 year old expert (even higher level than intermediate) already came up to him and said "We can't wait to see you race against Buddy this weekend! It'll be great cause you are so fast!" Even though buddy is only 5, since he's at expert level, he races against the 6 and 7 year old intermediate riders. There are no other 5 year old experts to put him with :) Ian is out to beat him but knows there is a chance he won't since last weekend he came in 2nd to Buddy at a different track. He had to race against him due to the lack of racers there. Sometimes you get paired up with people not at your level just because there aren't enough people in your level to put you against.

Time will tell....... intermediate is now a whole new world!

The red head on the lower left is my darling grandaughter, Raea (4).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting Bonnie! Ian is so proud of himself and likewise, we are so proud of him!
