Friday, September 24, 2010

Illionis to Columbus, OH

Seattle is PDT, Denver is MDT, Effingham, IL is CDT and today we arrived in Ohio which is EDT.   What time is it and what state are we in?   Jeez! These constant changes keep a person on her clock and state toes!  :o))

We saw the largest cross in the world today measuring 193 feet.  It was amazing and ah-inspiring for sure.   This cross happened to be in Effingham, I

Downtown Indianapolis, IL.

The traffic at rush hour moved along in Indianapolis, unlike Seattle traffic.  One thing I've noticed about the Midwest is everything is very spread out, with miles and miles of rolling fields of corn and other crops, farms, and large indigenous trees.  The large cities are few and far between.   

First thing we noticed when we got to Denver was the dryness which immediately created cracked, and bloody noses.  As we traveled into Nebraska, the humidity increased substantially to 85 percent and the temperature was 95 degrees!   Thank goodness for air conditioning.  The temperature has averaged in the 80s and 90s since we left Denver.  I think we're early enough for the fall colors.

We have met a couple of interesting travelers in the last few days.  Last night our resort neighbor paid a visit and gave us a bag of frozen crawfish from Louisiana with two recipes taboot!  Haven't fixed the crawfish yet, but I'm anxious to try the Louisiana recipes.

Tonight an elderly gentleman pulled up beside us in Columbus, OH and became an instant friend.  He is probably in his late 70s and has been traveling the US for 7 years, alone.   He is retired Navy and has seen may parts of the US and world.  He spent the summer in Maine and shared photos of his travels.  His recommendations for parks in New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine were noted. 

I imagine many of the folks we meet on the road will be much older than Jim and I!!  :o)) 

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