Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goodbye to Colorado

The time came so quickly, it almost seemed impossible that our departure to the northeast had arrived.  We postponed our leaving three or four times to help with this or that project, but when we noticed the Aspen trees turning color, we knew it was time to leave.

Beautiful yellow quaking Aspens between Breckenridge and Denver. 

To show appreciation for our help this summer, the Allens presented us with a gift certificate to the beautiful Briarwood Inn in Golden, CO for a special dinner.....and it was REALLY special.  All the way from the English Manor design with dark walnut and oak contrasted with white table cloths, china and silver, and beautiful candle centerpieces.  Mostly men waiters wore waist coats and treated us most elegantly.

Of course Jim and I had to get dress up for the occasion, which was painful as we'd been wearing shorts all summer.  The family showed up in the front take photos.



In addition to the dinner, we received two tickets to the Bronco vs. Seattle football game from Joe (Jim's nephew).  So on Sunday, off we went to the Mile High Stadium (the name recently changed to Invesco Field for some unknown reason).    I like the name "Mile High" better. 

Here's Brad and Carrie enjoying the bus ride through Denver to the game.  Much better than paying $25.00 for parking at the stadium!

We had to tailgate before the game, of course,....but on top of Tom's truck??

Fourth row baby!!!!  South side goal posts where we appeared on TV several times......every time the Broncos made a touch down.  :o(

There were probably 70,000 people in the stadium and 5,000 Seahawk fans.  These two guys were friends, thank goodness!  The Bronco fans go all out for their team, win or loose.

Nice view of all the putts!

Nice, closeup view of the bods!



We finally left Denver on Tuesday, September 21.   Driving through eastern Colorado has got to be just as boring as driving through eastern Washington.

Good thing it was our first day, all excited to get on the road!!

The scenery improved somewhat in Nebraska

Elm Creek, Nebraska is not much of a town, but we found Sunny Meadows Campground in the middle of no where, surrounded by corn fields (feed corn for horses).  We ate, slept, and got out of there sooner than later. 

Check this out.  We're driving somewhere in Nebraska along I-80 and here is the "Great North Platte River Road Archway Monument.  You can read about the interesting history of this structure on the Internet, if you're so inclined.   

After Nebraska, we cross through a small section of Iowa, then into Missouri, south bound on I-70.  Come to find out, we were following the Lewis and Clark trail.  Their route was IN the Missouri River, ours wasn't! 

It is currently 6:20 pm CDT and we're almost to Kansas City, MO our second day.   We just crossed the Missouri River, again, with barges carrying goods to unknown places.  

More updates tomorrow!  Hope all is well at home.    

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