Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Corn, Corn, Corny

Hi all: 

I haven't written in a few days because I've been so busy planting corn!!!  You saw pictures of the trailer packed with sod we removed from Gerry's and Mom's yard.  Then we got the rototiller out of the barn and it's the slowest piece of equipment I've ever seen!  It took two days to do a plot 30 x 30, and another day to do a plot 10 x 20 in Mom's yard.  We soaked the corn seeds overnight.  This morning we were all up at 8 am planting seeds before the hot sun came around.   Don't we look like a bunch of vagrant workers?

I planted this plot all by myself!!

Why didn't we have any hot water?  Check this out!  A main component in the circuit breaker panel overheated due to a loose screw.  This caused several other wires to over heat and fail.  Thanks to Jim we saved ourselves mucho bucks for repairs.  


1 comment:

  1. Geez! Work work and more work. Hit the road already :) Your blog is making ME tired!
