Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin, keep those doggies rollin, roll on........ The rain from Seattle finally made it to Boise this morning.  As we left there, we waived goodbye and finally found blue skies and beautiful scenery in eastern ID, Utah and western Wyoming.  We didn't get as far as we hoped.  Took I-84 via Twin Falls and Ogden.  Enjoyed driving along the Snake River and the Wasatch Mountain range.  The scenery was so beautiful so I took a bunch of photos.  However, when I stuck the disc into the computer and browsed, all the photos I took today were done.  In addition, the photo I took of Rebecca and Raea before we left is gone!  I'm sick!!!!  There will be many more photos though, so stay tuned.
We heard an occasional faint peeping noise in BAM we couldn't identify and finally discovered the security alarm in the Subaru had been set off by the rough construction roads.  Despite all the rolling hills of Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming, and pulling the Subaru, we're getting 8 miles per gallon.  Maybe it was just a tail wind.  Temperatures were mid 70s today and we actually had to turn on the air conditioner.  

Here we are again in the Walmart parking lot along with several other campers.  As long as we don't have to dump or get water, dry camping is fine with us, and cheap!   Denver, here we come!      

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